Prayer Lab

Prayer Lab: A Mindful Shabbat Experience

Prayer Lab is a non-traditional Shabbat evening service combining contemporary readings and poetry, participatory music, time set aside for meditation, and more. Our themes change from month to month.  Worshippers are encouraged to come with open minds and open hearts. Prayer Lab is led by Rabbi Andrea Goldstein, Lucy Greenbaum, and our Prayer Lab musicians and sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness of St. Louis and Congregation Shaare Emeth. All are welcome!

This year, our service themes are based on specific prayers of the Shabbat liturgy. We can’t wait to explore these expressions and prayers with all who can join.

Upcoming Prayer Lab Dates

Unless otherwise noted, services begin at 6 p.m. and are held in the Kehillah Center at Congregation Shaare Emeth and via live stream.

  • Saturday, February 15: Whole-Heartedness (10:45 a.m.)

  • Friday, March 21: Imagination

  • NEW DATE-Friday, April 25: Wonder

  • Friday, May 30: Belong